6 November 2024

3REN Makes Strong Debut on ACE Market

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3REN Berhad had a successful debut on Bursa Malaysia’s ACE Market, with shares opening 19.6% higher at 33.5 sen following our IPO that raised RM30.8 million. Early trading demonstrated robust interest, with shares reaching 35.5 sen by mid-morning.

A significant portion of the IPO proceeds, RM19.2 million, will drive our expansion efforts, including new delivery centers, enhanced R&D capabilities, and a dedicated sales office in Singapore. The remaining RM11.6 million will support debt repayment and listing-related expenses.

Our CEO, Mr. Koh Dim Kuan, highlighted Southeast Asia’s growing role as a manufacturing hub, creating promising opportunities as we embrace Industry 4.0 and 5.0.

For full coverage, visit:

EN: 3REN climbs 20% on ACE Market debut | TheStar

BM: Saham 3REN meningkat 19.6% semasa penampilan sulung di Pasaran ACE | dagangnews

CN: 开盘溢价19.6% 3Ren公司大热登马股 | CHINAPRESS